Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Space Siege and GameStop and Rear Enders, OH MY!

I've never ranted on a blog before but today I've just had enough. First off let's start with GameStop.

I went to the Gamestop here in Newington, CT and asked for Space Siege. The sales guy behind the counter told me that they were sold out. I said, Wow, must be a great game. He said they only got one copy, *ONE COPY*. Now Newington is not a small city and it's right outside Hartford, CT and with all the hype, the advertising and big studios behind the game Gamestop decided to get, one freakin' copy of the game.

He did call ahead two two other stores and only one of the stores had their *ONE* copy in stock. The employee told him to hold it while I drove there. Fine, I want to get ti bad enough that I will drive to another store.

So, I'm in my car driving to the Westfarms mall and I come to a stop light on the main road to get onto highway 9 and...*WHAM!* I get rear ended. I'm thinking, you've got to be fucking kidding me... We called out insurance companies to get that straightened out and 45 minutes later, I'm back on the road to the store; now it's becoming a god damn mission at this point.

I'm not seriously hurt, by the way, thanks for asking.

Anyway, I get to the store and buy the game, no story there...thank god.

Now I get home, install my latest graphics drivers and then go to install the game. You know what I get? A FUCKING CRC ERROR ON THE DISC! Yep, the disc is damaged and will not install.

Now since Gamestop, in it's infinate wisdom, decided to only stock ONE FUCKING COPY OF A NEWLY RELEASED GAME there is no way I can exchange it for another copy.

So now, I'm now downloading it off bittorrent, at least I have something to do while my bruises heal from my car accident.


Damn it.

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